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BORN: September 24, 1970, Kelmė, Lithuania
STUDIES: Graphic art, Vilnius Academy of Arts
LIVING with family in Vilnius, Lithuania

FIELDS OF ACTIVITY: Children’s book illustration and design, art education projects and activities with children.

I experience great pleasure and joy when reading children’s books.
The world they depict is bright, sincere and happy; it inspires to do good and be brave.
I want to share my joy with others.
I do it best through drawing illustrations for children’s books,
when I’m trying to create a mood which would engage children and
encourage they to become friends with the book full of letters.
Each book I illustrate to me is like a performance,
in which I take on the role of the director, stage designer and actress.
Since every book is different, each time I look for new methods and means
to convey the mood of the performance.
If I succeed, if readers say they find the book I illustrated beautiful,